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23 August, 2009

Quotes from Famous personalities 10

* A college professor's sister had a hearing deficiency. In trying to invent a device to enhance her hearing, he created something more complex. After many years of trial and error and success, he was ready to take it into production. More years were spent traveling trying to get venture capital interest in his dream. They laughed when he suggested that he could carry the human voice along a wire so that he could be heard for miles. No body laughs at Graham Bell today.
* They conquer who believe they can - John Dryden
* Have fun doing whatever it is that you desire to accomplish and do it because you love it, not because it's work - Paul Westphal
* The highest men are calm, silent and unknown. They are sure that, even if they go into a cave and close the door and simply think of five true thoughts and then pass-away, these five thoughts of theirs will live through eternity. Indeed such thoughts will penetrate through the mountains, cross the oceans and travel through the world - Swami Vivekanand
* Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities. Remind yourself that god is with you & nothing can defeat you - Norman Vincent Peale
* Every man is the architect of his own fortune - Appius Claudius
* They can do all because they think they can- Virgil
* At the time of Nicholas Copernicus, astronomers generally accepted Prolemy's theory that the earth was the center of the universe and had no motion. Copernicus broke away from conventional wisdom and proved that earth moved rapidly through space and that the sun was the center. Although his theory was considered scientific heresy by some and spiritual blasphemy by others, Copernicus started a revolution that marked the beginning of modern science.
* A wise man will make more opportunity than he finds - Francis Bacon
* We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden – Goethe
* Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work - Bette Davis
* Do what you can, where you are, with what you have got- Theodore Roosevelt

16 August, 2009

Happy Independence day - Saheed Bhagat Singh

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
देखना है ज़ोर कितना बाज़ू-ए-क़ातिल में है
(ऐ वतन,) करता नहीं क्यूँ दूसरा कुछ बातचीत,देखता हूँ मैं जिसे वो चुप तेरी महफ़िल में है
ऐ शहीद-ए-मुल्क-ओ-मिल्लत, मैं तेरे ऊपर निसार,अब तेरी हिम्मत का चरचा ग़ैर की महफ़िल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
वक़्त आने पर बता देंगे तुझे, ए आसमान,हम अभी से क्या बताएँ क्या हमारे दिल में है
खेँच कर लाई है सब को क़त्ल होने की उमीद,आशिकों का आज जमघट कूचा-ए-क़ातिल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
है लिए हथियार दुश्मन ताक में बैठा उधर,और हम तैयार हैं सीना लिए अपना इधर.
ख़ून से खेलेंगे होली गर वतन मुश्क़िल में है,सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
हाथ, जिन में है जूनून, कटते नही तलवार से,सर जो उठ जाते हैं वो झुकते नहीं ललकार से.
और भड़केगा जो शोला सा हमारे दिल में है,सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
हम तो घर से ही थे निकले बाँधकर सर पर कफ़न,जाँ हथेली पर लिए लो बढ चले हैं ये कदम.
ज़िंदगी तो अपनी मॆहमाँ मौत की महफ़िल में है,सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
यूँ खड़ा मक़्तल में क़ातिल कह रहा है बार-बार,क्या तमन्ना-ए-शहादत भी किसी के दिल में है?दिल में तूफ़ानों की टोली और नसों में इन्कलाब,होश दुश्मन के उड़ा देंगे हमें रोको न आज.
दूर रह पाए जो हमसे दम कहाँ मंज़िल में है,सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
वो जिस्म भी क्या जिस्म है जिसमे न हो ख़ून-ए-जुनून
क्या लड़े तूफ़ान से जो कश्ती-ए-साहिल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है
देखना है ज़ोर कितना बाज़ू-ए-क़ातिल में है

On Independence Day - Gandhiji's famous Poem (by Saint Narsinh Mehta)

વૈષ્ણવ જન તો તેને કિહયે, જે પીડ પરાયી જાણે રે
પર દુખ્ખે ઉપકાર કરે તોયે, મન અિભમાન ના આણે રે
સકળ લોક માન સહુને વંદે, િંનદા ન કરે કેની રે
વાચ કાછ મન િનશ્છળ રાખે ધન ધન જનની તેની રે
સમદૃષ્િટ ને તૃષ્ળા ત્યાગી પરસ્ત્રી જેને માત રે
િજહ્વા થકે અસત્ય ન બોલે પરધન નવ ઝાલે હાથ રે
મોહ માયા વ્યાપે નિહ જેને દૃઢ વૈરાગ્ય જેના મન મા રે
રામ નામ શુ તાળી રે લાગી સકળ તીરથ તેના તન માં રે
વળ લોભી ને કપટ રિહત છે કામ ક્રોધ િનવાર્યા રે
ભળે નરસૈયો તેના દર્શન કરતા કુળ એકોતર તાર્યા રે

06 August, 2009

Quotes from Famous personalities 9

* Leadership is not rank, privileges, titles or money. It's responsibility - Peter Drucker
* Yesterday is gone. tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let's begin - Mother Teresa
* "Go for the star. If you don't get it, you will be heading for a moon"
* One of the strongest qualities of a leader is to still continue where others have long given up. When Thomus Alva Edition failed for more than 1000 times before invention of bulb. somebody asked him, you have failed 1000 times isn't it? He replied,No, I learned 999 ways not to make a bulb.
* Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity - George Patton
* Winning starts with beginning - Robert H. Schuller
* To lead people, walk besides them...as for the best leaders, people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise.The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate. When the best leader's work is done the people say,We did it ourselves - Lao Tzu
* Elias How invented the sewing machine and the women laughed for years. With their sewing done so quickly, they argued, what in the world would they do with all the extra time?
* It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win a victory unless you dare to battle -Richard M De Vos
* The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority Kenneth Blanchard
* All times are beautiful for those who manage joy within them - Rosalina de Castro
* You can't measure the heart of a champion.
* For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a road block, take a detour.
* Have purpose in life and having it, throw into your work such strength of mind and muscle as god has given you - Thomas Carlyle

02 August, 2009

Quotes from famous personalities 8

* My grandfather told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work & those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group. There is much less competition! - Indira Gandhi
* Leaders who win the respect of others are the one who deliver more than they promise, not the one who promise more than they can deliver - Mark clement
* Leadership Qualities:- Leaders deliver, create their own destinies, understand the ultimate power of relationships, multitask, trust their guts, trust, make mistakes & make no bones about it, love to work with other leaders, can laugh.
* Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can - Richard Bach
* Leadership is the wise use of power & do the right things - Warren Bennis
* You win only if you aren't afraid to lose - Rocky Aoki
* We have to undo a 100 year old concept and convince our managers that their role is not to control people & stay 'on top of things', but rather to guide, energies & excite - Jack Welch, CEO, GE
* Leaders generate hope & conviction in followers - Peter Drucker
* No man fails who does his best - Orison Swett Marden
* One person can make a difference & every person should try - John F Kennedy
* The capacity to generate & sustain trust is the central ingredient in leadership - Warren Bennis
* The legendary Jim Whitaker, who climbed mount Everest said,You never conquer the mountain. You only conquer yourself
* Leaders never lose their focus. They keep their eyes on the big picture - Dale Carnegie
* You can't take charge of the present if you are busy reliving the setbacks of the past - Newman & Berkowitz
* We will not know unless we begin - Howard Zinn
* The secret of influencing people lies not so much in being a good talker as in being a good listener - Dale Carnegie