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08 April, 2013

Science beyond science - Divine healing - True story with TV interview

Requesting to visit the below attached link, which is 31 minutes interview with Mrs. Anita Moorjani, lady who has came out of 4th stage cancer through - miracle / science beyond science / divine healing whatsoever you call it - to normal human being for last 6 years.

I'm sure with this kind of actual incidences are thought provoking, what are we doing? why are we here? what should be our life's goal?

I'm sure this clipping will help you to come out of any level of concern in life.

She is an Author of "Dying to be me" She is also available in Face book. Her copy message as below:
Author of "Dying to be Me - My journey from cancer to near death to true healing." This is a loving and peaceful community page. Please post respectfully. 


07 April, 2013

How can we cure in spiritual world?

It's a nice answer I found it from my Nigerian spiritual circle:

When we go to the hospital, as soon as we walk in, we are not free from disease. Usually after we walk in, there is more pain than before we walked in. They may cut us up, stitch us, do so many painful tests and exams. They will give us as many painkillers as we want. There is a lot of pain, many restrictions and many problems. So when we go to a hospital as a patient, expect things to get worse before they get better. Because that is the process of taking out the disease - restrictions of diet, restrictions of movements and medication. You are not even allowed out until they discharge you. Similarly spiritual life is like coming into a hospital for the heart. There are going to be a lot of difficulties that we wouldn’t have to deal with if we just remained in the diseased condition, without trying to get better.

06 April, 2013

What do you gain by Prayer?

What do you gain by Prayer?

Best Answer given by Swami Vivekanand :I gain nothing,In fact I Lost...Anger, Depression,Jealousy,Irritation AND Insecurity.