Real Event in my life: Day before yesterday I was pleased with the scene I'd seen on road, when I was waiting for my friend to pick me up for meeting in his car. One public Bus came with full loaded people into it and it was traffic time. One old person, he was unable to walk properly so his relative or some one helped him by literally lifted him to get into bus. He was so weak that after getting into bus from front door, he was unable to step up two steps and then to move further. Bus driver waited for him for long, then he requested one person to get up so that this old man can sit there and he can drive smoothly in traffic hours. When that person sit and made comfortable there after bus driver started his bus. Person who lifted him shown thumps UP to him. Looking into this scenario even I could not resist and shown BIG THUMPS UP to driver for his brilliant job. I was really touched. It's not a story which come in Internet or what's up or social media. It's live scene in front of me. Which means in traffic time, with so many boarded in the bus, none of the people made any noise (they also acted like Jesus follower) and Bus driver was too good. I would still say, because of people like this world is still surviving. And trust me I would say that this is real Christmas celebrations and not by throwing big party's in the pub with celebrities. I'm sure you all with agree.

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