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27 August, 2017

Thirty-two forms of Ganesha

Thirty-two forms of Ganesha

Thirty-two forms of Ganesha are mentioned frequently in devotional literature related to the Hindu god Ganesha (Ganapati).The Ganesha-centric scripture Mudgala Purana is the first to list them. Detailed descriptions are included in the Shivanidhi portion of the 19th-century Kannada Sritattvanidhi. There are also sculptural representations of these thirty-two forms in the temples at Nanjangud and Chāmarājanagar (both in Mysore district, Karnataka), done about the same time as the paintings were done and also at the direction of the same monarch.Each of the thirty-two illustrations is accompanied by a short Sanskrit meditation verse (dhyānaśloka), written in Kannada script. The meditation verses list the attributes of each form. The text says that these meditation forms are from the Mudgala Purana.

In his review of how the iconographic forms of Ganapati shown in the Sritattvanidhi compare with those known from other sources, Martin-Dubost notes that the Sritattvanidhi is a recent text from South India, and while it includes many of Ganesha's forms that were known at that time in that area it does not describe earlier two-armed forms that existed from the 4th century, nor those with fourteen and twenty arms that appeared in Central India in the 9th and 10th centuries.

The first sixteen of the forms of Gaṇapati shown [in the Sritattvanidhi] are more popularly worshipped under the name shoḍaśa-gaṇapati. Among them, the thirteenth, viz. Mahāgaṇapati, is especially widely worshipped. There is a tāntrik sect which is devoted to this form. Śakti-gaṇapati, Ucchishṭa-gaṇapati and Lakshmī-gaṇapati are also tāntrik forms, which receive worship which is cultic and esoteric. Heraṃba-gaṇapati is popular in Nepāl.

Some of the details of the descriptions, such as the colors to be used in meditation upon the form, are taken from the meditation verses and may not correspond exactly to the pictures.Name
English MeaningImageDescription
atha dvātriṁshadgaṇapatInāṁ dhyānaṁ || mudgalapurāṇe ||Bāla Gaṇapati

"Childlike Ganapati"tatra bālagaṇapatidhyānaṁ karasthakadalīcūta | panasekṣucamodakaṁ | bālasūryanibhaṁ vaṁde || devaṁ bālagaṇādhipaṁ || 1 || raktavarṇaḥ

Adorned with a garland of tender flowers, having plantain (banana), mango, jack fruit, sugarcane and sweets (modaka) in His hands and who is effulgent like the rising sun (red color).

Taruṇa Gaṇapati
"Youthful Ganapati"atha taruṇagaṇapatidhyānaṁ || mudgalapurāṇe ||

pāshāṁkushāpūpakapitthajaṁbū |
svadaṁtaśālīkṣumapi svahastaiḥ |
dhatte sadāyastaruṇāruṇābhaḥ |
pāyātsa yuṣmāṁstaruṇogaṇeshaḥ || 2 || raktavarṇaḥ

"Carrying in His hands the noose, hook, rice-cake , guava fruit, rose apple, own (broken) tusk, bunch of corn ears (paddy) and sugarcane and who vividly shines forth with His brilliant youthfulness"(Red Color).

(According to the Mudgala Purana version, kadubu - an edible specific to Lord Ganapati is mentioned instead of rice-cake).

Bhakti Gaṇapati
"Devotee (Devotion) Ganapati"atha bhaktagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE |

nArikELAmrakadaLI |
guDapAyasadhAriNaM |
sharaccaMdrAbhavapuShaM |
bhajE bhaktagaNAdhipaM ||3|| shvEtavarNaH

Described as “ the Lord of His devotees and who shines like the autumn moon, with coconut, mango, plantain (banana), jaggery and sweets in his hands." (White Colour)

Vīra Gaṇapati
"Valiant Ganapati"atha vIragaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

bhEtALashaktisharakAr^mukacakraKaDga |
KaTvAMgamudgaragadAMkushanAgapAshAn |
shUlaM ca kuMtaparashuM dhvajamudvahaMtaM |
vIraM gaNEshamaruNaM satataM smarAmi ||4 || rakatavarNaH

"Armed with Bhetala, the weapon of power(shakti), arrow, bow, wheel(Chakra or discus), sword, club, hammer, mace, hook, nagapasha (serpent noose), spear, plough, and the shining axe."(Red Colur).

(According to the Mudgala Purana version, flag is mentioned instead of plough).

Śakti Gaṇapati
The "Powerful" Ganapatiatha shaktigaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

AliMgya dEvIM haritAMgayaShTiM |
parasparAshliShTakaTipradEshaM |
saMdhyAruNaM pAshasRuNI vahaMtaM |

He is red in colour. He has four arms. His low right hand shows the movement of lack of fear (abhaya); the two others wear the elephant goad and the noose; the last hand, who holds a lemon, embraces the goddess. With the top of his trunk, Shakti Ganapati holds a cake.

Dvija Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Twice-Born"atha dvijagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

yaM pustukAkShaguNadaMDakamaMDala shrIvidyOtamAnakarabhUShaNa miMduvarNaM |
staMbEramAnanacatuShTayashObhamAnaM |
tvAM yaH smarEddvijagaNAdhipatE sadhanyaH ||6|| shubhravarNaH

He has four heads and four arms. He is white in colour. His hands hold the rosary, the washing pot (kamandalu), the walking-stick of an ascetic or the ritual spoon (sruk) and the manuscript on palm-leaves (pustaka).

Siddhi Gaṇapati
Ganapati bestowing success(Siddhi)
or "The Accomplished Ganapati"atha siddhagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

pakvacUtaPalapuShpamaMjarI |
mikShudaMDatilamOdakaisvaha |
udvahanvarashumastu tE namashrI samRuddhiyutahEmapiMgaLa ||7|| piMgaLavarNaH

Fond of the sesame cake. He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the axe, the noose, the sugar-cane stem and the mango.

Ucçhishṭa Gaṇapati
"Ganapati devouring the remnants of the meal"atha uCiShTagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

nIlAbjadADimIvINA |
shAlIguMjAkShasUtrakaM |
dadhaduCCiShTanAmAyaM |
gaNEshaH pAtu mEcakaH |

graMthAMtare |

nArIyOnirasAsvada |
lOlupaM kAmamOhitamiti ||8|| nIlavarNaH

He has six arms. He is blue in colour. His hands show the rosary, the pomegranate, the paddy ear (shalyagra), the nocturnal lotus, the lute (vîna); his sixth hand sometimes bears a guñja berry, embraces the goddess. The Ucchista Ganapati trunk is placed on the goddess's thigh.

Vighna Gaṇapati
Ganapati - "Lord of Obstacles"atha viGnagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

shaMKEkShucApakusumEShukuThArapAsha |
cakrasvadaMtasRuNimaMjarikAshanAdaiH |
pANishritaiH parisamIhitabhUShaNashrI |
viGnEshvarO vijayatE tapanIyagaura H || 9 || svarNavarNaH

He has eight arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the disc, the arrow-flowers, the hatchet, the conch, the sugar-cane stem, the noose, the elephant goad. With the tip of his trunk, he carries a bunch of flowers (pushapamañjari)

Kshipra Gaṇapati
"Ganapati who is easy to Appease"
or "Quick-acting Ganapati"atha kShipragaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

daMtakalpalatApAsha |
ratnakuMbhAMkushOjvalaM |
baMdhUkakamanIyAbhaM |
dhyAyEtkShipragaNAdhipaM ||10|| raktavarNaH

He has four arms. He is red in colour. His hands show the single tusk, the elephant goad, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose. With the end of his trunk, he carries the stone cup full of precious stones (ratnakumbha).

Heramba Gaṇapati
"Mother's Beloved Son" Ganapatiatha hEraMbagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

abhayavaradahastaM pAshadaMtAkShamAlAsRuNiparashudadhAnaM mudgaraM mOdakaM ca |
PalamadhigatasiMhaH paMcamAtaMgavaktrO |
gaNapatiratigauraH pAtu hEraMbanAmA || 11 || gauravarNaH

The five-headed Ganapati riding the lion. He has ten arms. He is dark in colour. His first hand shows the movement of lack of fear (abhaya), the others hold the rosary, the citron, the club, the elephant goad, the noose, the axe, the kadabu cake, the single tusk; his tenth hand shows the movement which bestows boons (varada).

Lakshmī Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Fortunate"
similar to Goddess Lakshmi atha lakShmIgaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

bibhrANashshukabIjapUrakamiLanmANikyakuMbhAMkushA |
npApAshaM kalpalatAM ca KaDgavilasajjyOtissudhAnirJaraH |
shyAmEnAttasarOruhENa sahitaM dEvI dvayaM cAMtike |
gaurAMgo varadAnahastasahito lakShmIgaNEshovatAt || 12 || gauravarNaH

Embracing his wives Siddhi (Achievement) and Buddhi(Wisdom). He is white (fair) in colour. He has eight arms. His hands hold a pomegranate, a sword, the creeper of the votive tree, the elephant goad, the parrot, the noose, the jewel pot; his eighth hand bestows boons (varada).

Mahā Gaṇapati
"The Great Ganapati" atha mahAgaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE||

hastIMdrAnanamiMducUDamaruNaCAyaM triNEtraM rasAdAshliShTaM priyayA sapadmakarayA svAMkastayA saMtataM|
bIjApUragadEkShukArmukalasaccakrAbjapAshOtphala |
vrIhyagrasvaviShANaratnakalashAnhastair^vahaMtaM bhajE ||13|| raktavarNaH

With a shakti, He has ten hands. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the pomegranate, the club, the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the conch, the noose, the nocturnal lotus, the paddy ear, the jewels pot.

Vijaya Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Victorious" atha vijayagaNapatidhyAnaM ||mudgalapurANE ||

pAshAMkushasvadaMtAmraPalavAnAKuvAhanaH viGnaM nihaMtu nassarvaM |
raktavarNO vinAyakaH ||14 || raktavarNaH

Riding a rat which trots at a smart pace, He has four arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the mango.

Nṝitya Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Dancer" atha nRuttagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

pAshAMkushApUpakuThAradaMta caMcatkarAkluptavarAMguLIyakaM |
pItaprabhaM kalpatarOradhastAM |
bhajAmi nRuttOpapadaM gaNEshaM || 15 || pItavarNaH

Dancing under the boon-tree, He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose, the axe (parashu) or the hatchet (kuthâra). The dhyâna sloka specifies that one of the four hands can show a cake apûpa.

Ūrdhva Gaṇapati
"The Elevated Ganapati" atha UrdhvagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

kalhArashAlikamalEkShukacApabANa |
daMtaprarOhagadabhRutkanakOjjvalAMgaH |
AliMganOdyatakarO haritAMgayaShTyA |
dEvyA karOtu shubhamUrdhvagaNAdhipomE ||16|| kanakavarNaH

Seated with his Shakti on his left thigh, He has eight arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the arrow-flower, the daylight lotus, the blue lily (kalhara), the sugar-cane bow, the paddy ear, the club; his last hand claps the goddess. The extremity of his trunk is rolled around the right breast of the goddess.

Ekākshara Gaṇapati
Ganapati identified with "Single Syllable"(gaṃ). atha EkAkSharagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

raktO raktAMgarAgAMshukakusumayutastuMdilashcaMdramauLe |
nesatraiyusaktastribhirvAmanakaracaraNo bIjapUraM dadhAnaH |
hastAgrakluptapAshAMkusharadavaradO nAgavaktrOhibhUShO |
dEvaH padmAsanasthO bhavatu suKakarO bhUtaye viGnarAjaH ||17|| raktavarNaH

He has four arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the cake modaka. Sometimes, he wears, with the extremity of his trunk (bîjapûra).

Vara Gaṇapati
The "Boon-giver" Ganapati atha varagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

siMdUrAbhamibhAnanaM triNayanaM hastE ca pAshAMkushau |
bibhrANaM madhumatka pAlamanishaM sAdhviMdumauLiM bhajE ||
puShTyAshliShTatanuM dhvajAgrakarayA padmOllasaddhastayA |
tadyOnyAhitapANimAttavasumatpAtrOllasatpuShkaraM ||18|| raktavaraNaH

With a shakti seated on his left thigh, He has four arms. He is red in colour. His first three hands hold the elephant goad, the skull filled with liquor (madhumatkapâla) and the noose. The fourth hand creeps between the thighs of the goddess who holds a lotus and a banner.

Tryakshara Gaṇapati

Lord "of the Three-letters A+U+M" Ganapati atha tryakShagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

gajEMdravadanaM sAkShAccalatkarNaM sacAmaraM |
hEmavarNaM caturbAhuM |
pAshAMkushadharaM varaM |
svadaMtaM dakShiNE hastE |
savyE tvAmraPalaM tathA |
puShkarE mOdakaM caiva |
dhArayaMtaH manusmarEt ||19|| svarNavarNaH

He has four arms. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the mango. He holds the cake modaka with the trunk end.

Kshirpra Prasāda Gaṇapati
Ganapati the "Quick-Rewarder" atha kShipraprasAdagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

dhRutapAshAMkushakalpalatAsvaradashca bIjapUrayutaH |
shashishakalakalitamaulistrilOcanO ruNashca gajavadanaH |
bhUsurabhUShadIptO bRuhadudaraH padma viShvarollasitaH |
viGnapayOdharapavanaH karadhRutakamalassadAstu mE bhUtyai ||20|| aruNavarNaH

He has six arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the lotus, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose, the lemon.

Haridrā Gaṇapati
"The curcuma-colored Ganapati". atha haridrAgaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE||

haridrAbhaM caturbAhuM |
haridrAvadanaM prabhuM |
pAshAMkushadharaM dEvaM |
mOdakaM daMtamEva ca |
bhaktAbhayapradAtAraM |
vaMdE viGnavinAshanaM ||21|| haridrAvarNaH

He has four arms. He is yellow in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the cake modaka

Ekdanta Gaṇapati
"The Single Tusked Ganapati". atha EkadaMtagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE|

laMbOdaraM shyAmatanuM gaNEshaM |
kuThAramakSha srajamUrdhva gAtraM |
salaDDukaM daMtamadhaH karAbhyAM |
vAmEtarAbhyAM ca dadhAnamIDE ||22|| shyAmavarNaH

He has four arms. He is blue in colour. His hands hold a large tusk, a rosary, a hatchet (kuthâra) and the small ball of sweets (laddu).

Sṝishṭi Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Creator", atha sRuShTigaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE||

phalavAnAKuvAhanaH |
viGnaMnihaMtu nashyONa|
ssRuShTi dakShOvinAyakaH ||23|| raktavarNaH

Riding a big rat, He is red in colour. He has four arms. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the mango.

Uddaṇḍa Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Unchained", atha uddaMDagaNapatidhyAnaM ||mudgalapurANE ||

kalhArAMbuja bIjapUraka gadAdaMtEkShucApaM sumaM |
bibhrANO maNikuMbhashAli kalashau pAshaM sRuNiM cAbjakaM |
gaurAMgyA rucirAraviMda karayA dEvyA samAliMgita |
shshoNAMgashshubhamAtanOtu bhajatA muddaMDaviGnEshvaraH ||24|| raktavarNaH

With his Shakti seated on his left thigh, He has twelve arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the club, the nocturnal lotus, the noose, the paddy ear, the elephant goad, the washing pot (kamandalu), the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the daylight lotus, the conch and the pomegranate. His trunk is placed on the top of the goddesse's breast or, sometimes, maintains a jewels pot (manikumbha).

Ṝiṇamochana Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the liberator from depts" atha RuNamOcanagaNapatidhyAnaM ||mudgalapurANE||

pAshAMkushau daMtajaMbU |
dadhAnaH sphaTikaprabhaH |
raktAMshukO gaNapati |
rmudE syAdRuNamOcakaH ||25|| shvEtavarNaH

Ganapati seated on a large lotus with his Shakti. He removes the impediment. He has four arms. He is white in colour. His first hand show the movement to bestow boons (varada) ; the three others hold the elephant goad, the noose and the bowl of sugared rice (pâyasapâtra).

Ḍhuṇḍhi Gaṇapati
"The Ganapati Sought After" dhuMDigaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

akShamAlAM kuThAraM ca |
ratnapAtraM svadaMtakaM |
dhattE karairviGnarAjO |
dhuMDinAmA mudestu naH ||26|| aucityAdraktavarNaH

He has four arms. His hands hold the single tusk, the rosary (rudrAkSha), the hatchet (kuthâra) (an axe ) and the pot of jewels (ratnapâtra). (Red Color).

Dvimukha Gaṇapati
"Two-faced Ganapati" atha dvimuKagaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANE |

svadaMtapAshAMkusharatnapAtraM |
karairdadhAnO harinIlagAtraH |
ratnAMshukO ratnakirITamAlI |
bhUtyai sadA bhavatu mE dvimuKO gaNEshaH | hasuruvarNaH

He holds in his hands his own tusk, a noose, a hook and a pot full of gems. His body complexion is greenish blue and he is wearing a red colored robe. A gem studded crown embellishes his head.

Trimukha Gaṇapati
"Three-faced Ganapati" atha trimuKagaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANe |

shrUmattIkShNa shiKAMkushAkSha varadAndakShE dadhAnaH karaiH |
pAshaMcAmRuta pUrNakuMbhamabhayaM vAmE dadhAnO mudA |
pIThE svarNamayAraviMda vilasatsatkarNikA bhAsure |
svAsInastrimuKaH palAsharucirO nAgAnanaH pAtu naH | raktavarNa |

He has six arms. He carries in two of his right hands very sharp elephant goad, a rudrâksha rosary and is holding another hand in boon bestowing gesture (varada). He carries in two of his left hands a noose, an urn full of celestial nectar (amruta) - ambrosia pot (amritakumbha) and is holding another hand in gesture of bestowing fearlessness (abhaya). He is seated on shining golden throne with lotus in the center. He has three eyes with elephantine face and he effulgent like the flame of forest flower (bastard teak/butea frondosa). (Red color).

Siṇha Gaṇapati
"The Lion Ganapati". atha siMhagaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANE |

vINAM kalpalatAmariM ca varadA dakShE vidhattE karai
vAsamE tAmarasaM ca ratnakalashaM sanmaMjarIM cAbhayaM |
shuMDAdaMDalasanmRugEMdravadanaM shaMKEMdugaurashshubhO |
dIvyadratnanibhAMshukOgaNapatiH pAyadapAyatsa naH ||29|| shvEtavar^NaH

He has eight arms. He is white in colour He is holding in his right hands a vîna (Indian lute), a creeper of votive tree - kalpavRukSha ( Tree which can cure all diseases), a discus and another held in a gesture of granting boons (varada). He is holding in his left hands a lotus, a pot of gems, a flower bunch and another held in a gesture of granting fearlessness (abahaya). He is lion faced with an elephant trunk and shining. His body is shining like a white conch and moon. He is wearing a gem studded shining robe.

Yog Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Ascetic". atha yOgagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANe ||

yOgArUDhO yOgapaTTAbhirAmO|
pAyAnnityaZM yOgaviGnEshvarOnaH ||30|| raktavarNaH

He has four arms. He is red in colour. His legs are surrounded with the meditation girdle (yogapatta). He is engrossed in yog and is strapped in a yoga posture. He looks beautiful and shines like the rising morning sun. He is adorned with a colored robe which is shining like blue sapphire. His hands hold the rosary, the elbow-rest or the walking-stick (a yoga wand), the noose and the sugar-cane stalk.

Durga Gaṇapati
"Ganapati the Invincible"
similar the Goddess Durgâ. atha durgAgaNApatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

taptakAMcanasaMkAsha |
shcaShTahastOmahattanuH |
dIptAMkushaMsharaMcAkShaM |
daMttaMdakShEvahankaraiH |
vAmEpAshaMkArmukaMca |
latAM jaMbUMdadhatkaraiH raktAMshukassadAbhUyA ddurgAgaNapatirmudE ||31|| kanakavarNaH

His body glows like burnished gold (Golden Color). He has eight hands and massive body. He is holding a shining hook (Ankush), an Arrow, a rosary and a tusk with the four hands on the right side. He is holding a noose, a bow, a wish bestowing creeper and Rose Apple (Eugenia Jambolana) with the four hands on the left side. He is dressed in red clothes.

Saṇkaṭahara Gaṇapati
"Ganapati - Dispeller of Troubles". atha saMkaTaharagaNapatidhyAnaM || mudgalapurANE ||

bAlArkAruNakAMtirvAmEbAlAMvahannaMkE |
lasadiMdIvarahastAM |
gaurAMgIM ratnashObhADhyAM |
dakShEMkushavaradAnaM |
vAmEpAshaMcapAyasaMpAtraM |
nIlAMshukalasamAnaH |
pIThE padmAruNE tiShThan |
saMkaTaharaNaH pAyAtsaMkaTapUgEdgajAnanO nityaM | raktavarNaH

He has four arms. He is effulgent like the rising red sun (Red in Color). He has his wife (shakti) - who is carrying a beautiful lotus, glowing with radiance and bejeweled - sitting on his left lap. He is carrying in one of his right hand a hook (Ankusha) and with the other bestowing boon(varada). He is carrying in one of his left hand a rope(noose) and with the other a vessel brimming with sweet soup (Payasam). He is seated on a Red Lotus and wearing a blue robe.

14 Key Shloka of Ganesh (Ganapati) (Gajanan)

  1. "Suklaambara Dharam Vishnum, Sashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam, Prasanna Vadhanam Dhyaayet, Sarva Vighna Upashaanthaye"
Lord Ganesha always dressed in white represents purity. He is omnipresent with gray complexion like that of ash glowing with spiritual splendor. The Lord with bright countenance has four arms. I meditate on the God who can destroy all obstacles whether material or spiritual.
2. "Agajaanana Padmaarkam, Gajaananam Aharnisham Anekadantham Bhaktaanaam, Ekadantam Upaasmahey"

Lord Ganesha, the elephant faced is like sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. The single tusked Ganesha is the giver of boons. I salute the great lord to grant us a boon.
3. "Thathpurushyaaya Vidhmahe Vakarathundaaya Dheemahi Thanno Dhandhi Prachodayaaath"
We meditate on that super power, we invoke the single tusked boon giver, Ganesh.
4"Vidyaarthee Lapthey Vidyaam Dhanaarthee Lapathey Dhanam Puthraarthee Lapathey Puthraan
Mokshaarthee Lapathey Gathim"
One who aspires wisdom attains it One who aspires wealth attains it One who aspires a son attains him and One who aspires moksha attains it.
5"Vishvaathi bhootham hrudhiyoginam vai Prathyacharoopena vibhanthamekam Sadhaa niraalambha samaadhigamyam Thamekadhantham sharanam vrajama"
Lord Ganesh is the most powerful of all the gods. He provides knowledge, prosperity, fortune and is also the Destroyer of Obstacles. He is known as the Lord of Success.
6"Om Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakkratundaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat"
The repetition of this mantra is done for the destruction of obstacles and to succeed in difficult tasksMeaning of Ganesh Gayathri We devote our thoughts to the One Tusked Lord. We meditate upon Him who has a Curved trunk May the tusked one guide us on.
7"Gajananam Bhootha Ganaathi Sevitham Kapitha Jambu Manasara Bakshitham Uma Sutham Soka Vinaasa kaaranam Namaami Vigneshwara Phaadha Pankajam"
I prostrate myself before the lotus feet of Vigneshvara (Ganesha), the son of Uma, who destroys sorrow, who is served by the host of angels, who has the face of an elephant, who partakes of the essence of kapittha and jambu fruits.
8"Vakratunda Mahakaaya, Suryakoti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Deva, Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada"
Lord Ganesha has a curved trunk with a powerful body. He has the brilliance of a million suns. May the Lord, remove all the problems from the actions I aim to achieve.
9"Mudakaratha Mothakam Sadaa vimukthiSadhakam Kaladhara vadhamshakam Vilasi Loka Rakshakam Anaayakaika Naayakam Vinasi Dhebha Dhaithyakam Nadashu Bhasu Nasakam Namamitham Vinaayakam "
With joy he holds modaka in His hand. He readily bestows salvation. He wears the moon as an ornament. He protects the destitute. He is the leaderless supreme leader. He destroyed the elephant demon. That 'Vinakaya' Lord Ganesha I worship.
10"Prasanna Vinaayakam Devam, Perivana Pura Samsthitham Sarva Vigna Haram Nithyam, Vandhe Sri Kunjaraananam"
The Lord Sri Prasanna Vinaayaka, who lives in his Temple of Pearland; one who removes all obstacles of all his devotees at all times; one who has the Omkara face of the elephant. I pray to the divine Ganesha.
11"Ganaanaam Twam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahe Kavim Kaveenaam Upamasra Vastamam
Jyeshta Raajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaspatha Aanashrunvanna Oothibhi Seedha Saadanam"
The Lord of spiritual faith, son of Lord Shiva, is the wisest among the wise. Ganesha has no comparison. He is the senior Lord of the Vedic mantras, who listens to the devotee's prayers. I invite Lord Ganesha to visit my home with prosperous things and be seated here.
12"Srikantho Mathulo Yasya, Jananee Sarva Mangalaa Janakaha Sankaro Devaha, Tam Vande Kunjaraananam"
The lord, for whom Lord Vishnu is the Uncle, whose mother is the divine auspicious one, Parvati and whose father is Lord Shiva. I offer salutations to Sri Ganesha, the Omkara.
13"Mooshika Vahana Modhaga Hasta Chaamara Karna Vilambitha Sutra Vamana Rupa 
Maheshwara Putra Vigna Vinayaka Pada Namaste"
He who has the mouse as the vahana, He who always keeps Modhak, He who has ears that resemble a hand held fan, He who wears a chain-like ornament around his waist, He who is short statured, He who is the son of Lord Maheshwara. O! Lord Vinayaka who is all the above and he who removes all impediments(vignas), We worship your Divine Feet.
14"Ekadantam Mahaakaayan, Taptakaajnchanasannibhamh Lambodaram Vishaalaaxam, Vandeaham Gananaayakamh"
Obeisance to Lord Ganesha, the one tusked, huge-bodied, big-bellied, and large-eyed God, whose complexion is like that of molten gold. I surrender myself to such great Lord.

21 May, 2016

Buddha Purnima - Vaiśākha

Buddha Purnima is celebrated for Bhagawan Buddha's Birth day. He is considered as incarnation of Shri Vishnu's 23rd avatar (out of main 23) and guided the entire world for peace and harmony. Now Buddha's followers are in  in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Myanmar and in other places all over the world.

Best wishes to all believers in GOD, PEACE and HARMONY, Happy Buddha Purnima.

27 September, 2015

Shradhha guidelines (in Hindi)

श्राद्ध करते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य 26 बातें

धर्म ग्रंथों के अनुसार श्राद्ध के सोलह दिनों में लोग अपने पितरों को जल देते हैं तथा उनकी मृत्युतिथि पर श्राद्ध करते हैं। ऐसी मान्यता है कि पितरों का ऋण श्राद्ध द्वारा चुकाया जाता है। वर्ष के किसी भी मास तथा तिथि में स्वर्गवासी हुए पितरों के लिए पितृपक्ष की उसी तिथि को श्राद्ध किया जाता है।

पूर्णिमा पर देहांत होने से भाद्रपद शुक्ल पूर्णिमा को श्राद्ध करने का विधान है। इसी दिन से महालय (श्राद्ध) का प्रारंभ भी माना जाता है। श्राद्ध का अर्थ है श्रद्धा से जो कुछ दिया जाए। पितृपक्ष में श्राद्ध करने से पितृगण वर्षभर तक प्रसन्न रहते हैं। धर्म शास्त्रों में कहा गया है कि पितरों का पिण्ड दान करने वाला गृहस्थ दीर्घायु, पुत्र-पौत्रादि, यश, स्वर्ग, पुष्टि, बल, लक्ष्मी, पशु, सुख-साधन तथा धन-धान्य आदि की प्राप्ति करता है।

श्राद्ध में पितरों को आशा रहती है कि हमारे पुत्र-पौत्रादि हमें पिण्ड दान तथा तिलांजलि प्रदान कर संतुष्ट करेंगे। इसी आशा के साथ वे पितृलोक से पृथ्वीलोक पर आते हैं। यही कारण है कि हिंदू धर्म शास्त्रों में प्रत्येक हिंदू गृहस्थ को पितृपक्ष में श्राद्ध अवश्य रूप से करने के लिए कहा गया है।
श्राद्ध से जुड़ी कई ऐसी बातें हैं जो बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं। मगर ये बातें श्राद्ध करने से पूर्व जान लेना बहुत जरूरी है क्योंकि कई बार विधिपूर्वक श्राद्ध न करने से पितृ श्राप भी दे देते हैं। आज हम आपको श्राद्ध से जुड़ी कुछ विशेष बातें बता रहे हैं, जो इस प्रकार हैं-

1- श्राद्धकर्म में गाय का घी, दूध या दही काम में लेना चाहिए। यह ध्यान रखें कि गाय को बच्चा हुए दस दिन से अधिक हो चुके हैं। दस दिन के अंदर बछड़े को जन्म देने वाली गाय के दूध का उपयोग श्राद्ध कर्म में नहीं करना चाहिए।

2- श्राद्ध में चांदी के बर्तनों का उपयोग व दान पुण्यदायक तो है ही राक्षसों का नाश करने वाला भी माना गया है। पितरों के लिए चांदी के बर्तन में सिर्फ पानी ही दिए जाए तो वह अक्षय तृप्तिकारक होता है। पितरों के लिए अर्घ्य, पिण्ड और भोजन के बर्तन भी चांदी के हों तो और भी श्रेष्ठ माना जाता है।

3- श्राद्ध में ब्राह्मण को भोजन करवाते समय परोसने के बर्तन दोनों हाथों से पकड़ कर लाने चाहिए, एक हाथ से लाए अन्न पात्र से परोसा हुआ भोजन राक्षस छीन लेते हैं।

4- ब्राह्मण को भोजन मौन रहकर एवं व्यंजनों की प्रशंसा किए बगैर करना चाहिए क्योंकि पितर तब तक ही भोजन ग्रहण करते हैं जब तक ब्राह्मण मौन रहकर भोजन करें।

5- जो पितृ शस्त्र आदि से मारे गए हों उनका श्राद्ध मुख्य तिथि के अतिरिक्त चतुर्दशी को भी करना चाहिए। इससे वे प्रसन्न होते हैं। श्राद्ध गुप्त रूप से करना चाहिए। पिंडदान पर साधारण या नीच मनुष्यों की दृष्टि पडने से वह पितरों को नहीं पहुंचता।

6- श्राद्ध में ब्राह्मण को भोजन करवाना आवश्यक है, जो व्यक्ति बिना ब्राह्मण के श्राद्ध कर्म करता है, उसके घर में पितर भोजन नहीं करते, श्राप देकर लौट जाते हैं। ब्राह्मण हीन श्राद्ध से मनुष्य महापापी होता है।

7- श्राद्ध में जौ, कांगनी, मटर और सरसों का उपयोग श्रेष्ठ रहता है। तिल की मात्रा अधिक होने पर श्राद्ध अक्षय हो जाता है। वास्तव में तिल पिशाचों से श्राद्ध की रक्षा करते हैं। कुशा (एक प्रकार की घास) राक्षसों से बचाते हैं।

8- दूसरे की भूमि पर श्राद्ध नहीं करना चाहिए। वन, पर्वत, पुण्यतीर्थ एवं मंदिर दूसरे की भूमि नहीं माने जाते क्योंकि इन पर किसी का स्वामित्व नहीं माना गया है। अत: इन स्थानों पर श्राद्ध किया जा सकता है।

9- चाहे मनुष्य देवकार्य में ब्राह्मण का चयन करते समय न सोचे, लेकिन पितृ कार्य में योग्य ब्राह्मण का ही चयन करना चाहिए क्योंकि श्राद्ध में पितरों की तृप्ति ब्राह्मणों द्वारा ही होती है।

10- जो व्यक्ति किसी कारणवश एक ही नगर में रहनी वाली अपनी बहिन, जमाई और भानजे को श्राद्ध में भोजन नहीं कराता, उसके यहां पितर के साथ ही देवता भी अन्न ग्रहण नहीं करते।

11- श्राद्ध करते समय यदि कोई भिखारी आ जाए तो उसे आदरपूर्वक भोजन करवाना चाहिए। जो व्यक्ति ऐसे समय में घर आए याचक को भगा देता है उसका श्राद्ध कर्म पूर्ण नहीं माना जाता और उसका फल भी नष्ट हो जाता है।

12- शुक्लपक्ष में, रात्रि में, युग्म दिनों (एक ही दिन दो तिथियों का योग)में तथा अपने जन्मदिन पर कभी श्राद्ध नहीं करना चाहिए। धर्म ग्रंथों के अनुसार सायंकाल का समय राक्षसों के लिए होता है, यह समय सभी कार्यों के लिए निंदित है। अत: शाम के समय भी श्राद्धकर्म नहीं करना चाहिए।

13- श्राद्ध में प्रसन्न पितृगण मनुष्यों को पुत्र, धन, विद्या, आयु, आरोग्य, लौकिक सुख, मोक्ष और स्वर्ग प्रदान करते हैं। श्राद्ध के लिए शुक्लपक्ष की अपेक्षा कृष्णपक्ष श्रेष्ठ माना गया है।

14- रात्रि को राक्षसी समय माना गया है। अत: रात में श्राद्ध कर्म नहीं करना चाहिए। दोनों संध्याओं के समय भी श्राद्धकर्म नहीं करना चाहिए। दिन के आठवें मुहूर्त (कुतपकाल) में पितरों के लिए दिया गया दान अक्षय होता है।

15- श्राद्ध में ये चीजें होना महत्वपूर्ण हैं- गंगाजल, दूध, शहद, दौहित्र, कुश और तिल। केले के पत्ते पर श्राद्ध भोजन निषेध है। सोने, चांदी, कांसे, तांबे के पात्र उत्तम हैं। इनके अभाव में पत्तल उपयोग की जा सकती है।

16- तुलसी से पितृगण प्रसन्न होते हैं। ऐसी धार्मिक मान्यता है कि पितृगण गरुड़ पर सवार होकर विष्णु लोक को चले जाते हैं। तुलसी से पिंड की पूजा करने से पितर लोग प्रलयकाल तक संतुष्ट रहते हैं।

17- रेशमी, कंबल, ऊन, लकड़ी, तृण, पर्ण, कुश आदि के आसन श्रेष्ठ हैं। आसन में लोहा किसी भी रूप में प्रयुक्त नहीं होना चाहिए।

18- चना, मसूर, उड़द, कुलथी, सत्तू, मूली, काला जीरा, कचनार, खीरा, काला उड़द, काला नमक, लौकी, बड़ी सरसों, काले सरसों की पत्ती और बासी, अपवित्र फल या अन्न श्राद्ध में निषेध हैं।

19- भविष्य पुराण के अनुसार श्राद्ध 12 प्रकार के होते हैं, जो इस प्रकार हैं-
1- नित्य, 2- नैमित्तिक, 3- काम्य, 4- वृद्धि, 5- सपिण्डन, 6- पार्वण, 7- गोष्ठी, 8- शुद्धर्थ, 9- कर्मांग, 10- दैविक, 11- यात्रार्थ, 12- पुष्टयर्थ

20- श्राद्ध के प्रमुख अंग इस प्रकार हैं-
तर्पण- इसमें दूध, तिल, कुशा, पुष्प, गंध मिश्रित जल पितरों को तृप्त करने हेतु दिया जाता है। श्राद्ध पक्ष में इसे नित्य करने का विधान है।
भोजन व पिण्ड दान- पितरों के निमित्त ब्राह्मणों को भोजन दिया जाता है। श्राद्ध करते समय चावल या जौ के पिण्ड दान भी किए जाते हैं।
वस्त्रदान- वस्त्र दान देना श्राद्ध का मुख्य लक्ष्य भी है।
दक्षिणा दान- यज्ञ की पत्नी दक्षिणा है जब तक भोजन कराकर वस्त्र और दक्षिणा नहीं दी जाती उसका फल नहीं मिलता।

21 - श्राद्ध तिथि के पूर्व ही यथाशक्ति विद्वान ब्राह्मणों को भोजन के लिए बुलावा दें। श्राद्ध के दिन भोजन के लिए आए ब्राह्मणों को दक्षिण दिशा में बैठाएं।

22- पितरों की पसंद का भोजन दूध, दही, घी और शहद के साथ अन्न से बनाए गए पकवान जैसे खीर आदि है। इसलिए ब्राह्मणों को ऐसे भोजन कराने का विशेष ध्यान रखें।

23- तैयार भोजन में से गाय, कुत्ते, कौए, देवता और चींटी के लिए थोड़ा सा भाग निकालें। इसके बाद हाथ जल, अक्षत यानी चावल, चन्दन, फूल और तिल लेकर ब्राह्मणों से संकल्प लें।

24- कुत्ते और कौए के निमित्त निकाला भोजन कुत्ते और कौए को ही कराएं किंतु देवता और चींटी का भोजन गाय को खिला सकते हैं। इसके बाद ही ब्राह्मणों को भोजन कराएं। पूरी तृप्ति से भोजन कराने के बाद ब्राह्मणों के मस्तक पर तिलक लगाकर यथाशक्ति कपड़े, अन्न और दक्षिणा दान कर आशीर्वाद पाएं।

25- ब्राह्मणों को भोजन के बाद घर के द्वार तक पूरे सम्मान के साथ विदा करके आएं। क्योंकि ऐसा माना जाता है कि ब्राह्मणों के साथ-साथ पितर लोग भी चलते हैं। ब्राह्मणों के भोजन के बाद ही अपने परिजनों, दोस्तों और रिश्तेदारों को भोजन कराएं।

26- पिता का श्राद्ध पुत्र को ही करना चाहिए। पुत्र के न होने पर पत्नी श्राद्ध कर सकती है। पत्नी न होने पर सगा भाई और उसके भी अभाव में सपिंडों( एक ही परिवार के) को श्राद्ध करना चाहिए । एक से अधिक पुत्र होने पर सबसे बड़ा पुत्र श्राद्ध करता है।

Maa Durga Gujarati Aarti in English lyrics, Hindi Aarti with Hindi Fonts & Vishwambhari Gujarati Stuti with English Lyrics and meanings

Jaya Aadya Shakti
Maa Jaya Aadya Shakti
Akhand Brahmaand Neepavya
Akhand Brahmaand Neepavya
Padave Pandit Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagadambe
Dwitiya Bay Swarup
Shivashakti Janu
Maa Shivashakti Janu
Brahma Ganapti Gaye
Brahma Ganapti Gaye
Har Gaaye Har Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagadambe
Tritiya Tran Swarup
Tribhuvan Ma Betha
Maa Tribhuvan Ma Betha
Traya Thaki Taraveni
Traya Thaki Taraveni
Tu Taraveni Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagadambe
Chouthe Chatura Mahalaxmi
Maa Sachara Char Vyapya
Maa Sachara Char Vyapya
Char Bhuja Cho Disha
Char Bhuja Cho Disha
Pragtya Dakshin Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Panchame Panch Rushi
Panchami Gunapadma
Maa Panchami Gunapadma
Panch Sahashtra Tya Sohiye
Panch Sahashtra Tya Sohiye
Panche Tatvo Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Shashthi Tu Narayani
Mahishasura Maryo
Maa Mahishasura Maryo
Naranari Na Rupe
Naranari Na Rupe
Vyapaya Sagadhe Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Saptami Sapt Patal
Sandhya Savitri
Maa Sandhya Savitri
Gau Ganga Gayatri
Gau Ganga Gayatri
Gauri Geeta Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Ashthmi Ashtha Bhujao
Ayi Ananda
Maa Ayi Ananda
Sunivar Munivar Janamya
Sunivar Munivar Janamya
Dev Daityo Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Navmi Navkul Naag
Seve Navadurga
Maa Seve Navadurga
Navratri Na Pujan
Shivratri Na Archan
Kidha Har Brahma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Dashami Dash Avtaar
Jay Vijyadashami
Maa Jay Vijyadashami
Rame Ram Ramadya
Rame Ram Ramadya
Ravan Roodyo Ma
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Ekadashi Agyarus
Kaatyayani Kaama
Maa Kaatyayani Kaama
Kaam Durga Kalika
Kaam Durga Kalika
Shyama Ne Rama
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Barase Bala Roop
Bahuchari Amba Maa
Maa Bahuchari Amba Maa
Batuk Bhairav Sohiye
Kal Bhairav Sohiye
Taara Chhe Tuja Maa
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Terase Tulja Roop
Tume Taruni Mata
Maa Tume Taruni Mata
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv
Gun Tara Gaata
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Choudse Choda Roop
Chande Chamunda
Maa Chande Chamunda
Bhaav Bhakti Kayi Apo
Chaturai Kayi Apo
Singh Vahini Mata
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Puname Kumbha Bharyo
Shambhaljo Karuna
Maa Shambhaljo Karuna
Vashist Deve Vakhania
Markand Deve Vakhania
Gayi Subh Kavita
Om Jayo Jayo Ma Jagdambe
Sauvanta Sole Sattaavana
Saulashe Baavisha Maa,
Maa Saulashe Baavisha Maa,
Sauvanta Sole Pragatyaan,
Sauvanta Sole Pragatyaan,
Revaa Ne Tire,
Har Ganga Ne Tire
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe
Trambaavati Nagari
Aaye Roopaavati Nagari,
Maa Manchaavati Nagari,
Sola Sahastra Traan Sohiye,
Sola Sahastra Traan Sohiye,
Kshamaa Karo Gauri,
Maa Dayaa Karo Gauri,
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe
Shivashakti Ni Aarti
Je Koyee Gaashe,
Maa Je Bhaave Gaashe,
Bhane Shivaananda Swaami
Bhane Shivaananda Swaami
Sukha Sampati Thaasshey
Maa Kailaashe Jaashe
Maa Ambaa Dukha Harashe
Om Jayo Jayo Maa 
Ekama Eka Swaroop,
Antara Nava Darasho,
Maa Antara Nava Darasho,
Bholaa Bhoodar Ba Bhajataa,
Maa Ambaa Ne Bhaajata,
Bhavaa Saagar Tarasho,
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe
Bhava Na Jaanoo,
Bhakti Na Jaanoo,
Nava Jaanu Sevaa,
Maa Nava Jaanu Sevaa,
Vallabha Bhatta Ne Aapi,
Sarva Jane Ne Aapi,
Maa Charno Mi Sevaa,
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe
Maa Durga Hindi Aarti:

जय अम्बे गौरी, मैया जय श्यामा गौरी,
तुमको निशदिन ध्यावत, हरि ब्रह्मा शिवरी

मांग सिंदूर विराजत, टीको मृगमद को,
उज्ज्वल से दोउ नैना, चंद्रवदन नीको॥

कनक समान कलेवर, रक्ताम्बर राजै,
रक्तपुष्प गल माला, कंठन पर साजै॥

केहरि वाहन राजत, खड्ग खप्पर धारी,
सुर-नर-मुनिजन सेवत, तिनके दुखहारी॥

कानन कुण्डल शोभित, नासाग्रे मोती,
कोटिक चंद्र दिवाकर, सम राजत ज्योती॥

शुंभ-निशुंभ बिदारे, महिषासुर घाती,
धूम्र विलोचन नैना, निशदिन मदमाती॥

चण्ड-मुण्ड संहारे, शोणित बीज हरे,
मधु-कैटभ दोउ मारे, सुर भयहीन करे॥

ब्रह्माणी, रूद्राणी, तुम कमला रानी,
आगम निगम बखानी, तुम शिव पटरानी॥

चौंसठ योगिनी मंगल गावत, नृत्य करत भैरों,
बाजत ताल मृदंगा, अरू बाजत डमरू॥

तुम ही जग की माता, तुम ही हो भरता,
भक्तन की दुख हरता, सुख संपति करता॥

भुजा चार अति शोभित, खडग खप्पर धारी,
मनवांछित फल पावत, सेवत नर नारी॥

कंचन थाल विराजत, अगर कपूर बाती,
श्रीमालकेतु में राजत, कोटि रतन ज्योती॥

श्री अंबेजी की आरति, जो कोइ नर गावे,
कहत शिवानंद स्वामी, सुख-संपति पावे॥

Vishwambhari Stuti

Vishvambhari akhil vishwa tani janeta,
Vidhya dhari vadanma vasajo vidhata;
Door-budhhine door kari sad-buddhi apo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

O Mother which resides in the whole universe,
The one who resides within me in the form of knowledge;
Destroy the ignorance that exists,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Bhulo padi bhavarane bhataku Bhavani,
Suzhe nahi lagir koi disha javani;
Bhaase bhayankar vali man na utapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

I am lost in this world and alone I search for my path,
I cannot reach my destiny;
Flames of fear awaken in my mind,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Aa rankne ugarava nathi koi aaro,
Janmaand chhu Janani hu grahi baal taro;
Naa shu suno Bhagawati shishu naa vilapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

This man does not have a clue how to succeed,
I’m an earthling of which you are my only mother;
Hear the cries of this child,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Maa karma janma kathni karta vicharu,
Aa shrishtima tuj vina nathi koi maru;
Kone kahu katthan yog tano balaapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

I think about my deeds and doings in this birth,
And in this world I have no one other than you;
Whom I can share my pains with which burn within me,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Hoon kaam, krodh, madh moh thaki chhakelo,
Aadambare ati ghano madthi bakelo;
dosho thaki dushit na kari maaf paapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

I’m filled with love, anger, lust and desire,
My mouth utters horrible words;
Look at my faults and forgive me my sins,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Naa shashtra na shravan nu paipaan kidhu,
naa mantra ke stuti katha nathi kai kidhu;
Shradhha dhari nathi karya tav naam jaapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

I haven’t read the scriptures nor have I listened to them being recited
I haven’t sung your hymns or read about your reality;
I haven’t chanted your name with love at the fullest,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Re re Bhavani bahu bhool thayi chhe mari,
Aa zindagi thai mane atishe akaari;
Dosho prajaali sagala tava chhaap chhapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo. 

Oh Oh Mother I have made so many mistakes,
I feel my life is worthless;
Take me to the right path before I err again,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Khaali na koi sthal chhe vina aap dharo,
Bhrahmandma anu-anu mahi vaas taro;
Shakti na maap ganava agneeta mapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo. 

There is no such place in which you do not reside,
You are omnipotent and omnipresent in the whole universe;
There is no way one can understand your everlasting power,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.
Paapo prapanch karva badhi vaate puro,
Khoto kharo Bhagwathi pann hoon tamaro;
Jadyandhakaari door sad-budhhi aapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

Before I sin again, please tell me,
I’m an ignorant child but still I’m yours;
Make me realize the mistakes I have made, a glowing light of knowlege in the darkness,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.
Sheekhe sune Rasik Chandaj ekk chitte,
Tena thaki vividhh taap talek khachite;
Vadhe vishesh vali Amba tana prataapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo.

Whoever listens and learns your hymns with dedication and a constant mind,
May their fears and worries burn away;
One who awakens realises and experiences your love,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Shri sad-guru sharanma rahine bhaju chhu,
Raatri dine Bhagwathi tujne bhaju chhu;
Sad-bhakt sevak tana paritaap chaapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo. 

I am meditating on you at the feet of my spiritual guider,
Day and night I recite your name;
Accept me as your true disciple and take me,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

Antar vishe adhik urmi thata Bhavani,
Gaun stuti tava bale namine mrugaani;
Sansaarna sakal rog samoola kapo,
Maampaahi Om Bhagavathi Bhava dukha kapo. 

I am so attached to this body O mother,
When I sing your hymns I bend and bow down to you;
Destroy all the roots of the pains that exist,
Surrender O mother in the form of ‘aum’ destroy all the pains that exist.

15 September, 2015

Ganesh Aarti - Original - Marathi (with English Script)

Sukhkarta Dukhharta Varta Vighnachi ||
Oh Lord who provides Joy, takes away Sadness and removes all “vighnas” (obstacles) in life
Nurvi Purvi Prem Krupa Jayachi ||
Who spreads love everywhere as his blessing
Sarvangi Sundar Uti Shendurachi ||
Who has lovely “shendur utna”(yellow-orange fragrance paste) all over his body
Kanti Jhalke Mal Mukataphalaanchi..||
Who has a necklace of “Mukataphal”(pearls in Sanskrit) around his neck
Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol
Darshan Maatre Man: Kaamna Phurti ||
all our wishes are fulfilled just by “darshan” (looking at the idol)

Ratnakhachit Phara Tujh Gaurikumra ||
Offering you Seat studded with Ratna(jewels) for you “Gaurikumra” (son of Gauri)
Chandanaachi Uti Kumkumkeshara ||
Smearing you with Chandan(Sandalwood) utna(paste) and Kumkum(Red Tilak) on the head
Hirejadit Mukut Shobhato Bara ||
Diamond studded crown suites you right
Runjhunati Nupure(2) Charani Ghagriya ||
Whose anklets tingle in his feet
Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol

Lambodar Pitaambar Phanivarvandana ||
Lambodar Who wears Pitaambar(yellow cloth worn by men during puja)
“Lambodar” – from the long – ‘lambo’, tummy – ‘udar’

Saral Sond Vakratunda Trinayana ||
Who has Straight trunk and is Vakratunda and Trinayana
“Vakratunda”one who breaks the ego of he who behaves anti-socially (‘Vakra’).
“Trinayana” the son of the 3 eyed (Lord Shiva)

Das Ramacha Vat Pahe Sadana ||
I am waiting for you in my “Sadana” (home) just like the slave(used as devotee) of Lord Rama
Sankati Pavave Nirvani Rakshave Survarvandana ||
Please help us and protect us during bad times, my Salutations to lord
Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol

22 February, 2015

Inspiring Story - Aisha Chaudhary: Singing in the life boat

Aisha Chaudhary: Singing in the life boat

Link of the small video clip (5 minutes) worth watching. Now this inspiring girl is no more in the world, she left at the age of 18. This clip is when she was 15.


http://www.INKtalks.com Like Voltaire, she believes a shipwreck gives us an 

opportunity to sing in the life boats. Little Aisha Chaudhary, the first INK Youth 

Fellow, teaches us a big lesson even as she is battling a life-threatening medical 

condition. All of 15, Aisha has taught herself to paint, take pictures, run with her 

dog and dance at her cousin's wedding, not just once but twice. Aisha learned art 

at the American way.

24 January, 2015

Republic / National / Proclamation Day across the world

I was not sure, which all countries are celebrating Republic/Proclamation/National Day. Now from below list we get to know many of these countries are celebrating and enjoying festival.

  • India
  • Hungary / 
  • Guyana
  • Pakistan
  • Iran / 
  • Gambia
  • Lithuania / 
  • Armenia / 
  • Azerbaijan / 
  • Nepal / 
  • South Africa
  • Italy / 
  • Iceland
  • Ghana / 
  • Philippines / 
  • Iraq / 
  • Tunisia
  • Macedonia
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Portugal
  • East Germany / 
  • Taiwan / 
  • Rhodesia / 
  • Turkey
  • Maldives / 
  • Brazil / 
  • Northern Cyprus / 
  • Chad / 
  • Yugoslavia
  • Central African Republic / 
  • Burkina Faso / 
  • Kenya / 
  • Malta / 
  • Kazakhstan / 
  • Niger / 
  • South Sudan